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The candidates who qualify in the final examination/Skill Test are called for document verification. The Roll Nos. of such candidates are published in RRB Website. The shortlisted candidates are informed through email and SMS.
During verification, all the original certificates and marksheets of the candidate are scrutinized. Further, his/her handwritings and fingerprints taken from the candidate during various Tests as well as those taken during certificate verification are compared. This is to confirm the genuineness of the candidates.
In case everything is found to be OK and on qualifying the prescribed medical standard, the candidate may be empanelled. However, in case of any discrepancy in the certificates, the candidates are advised to submit the proper certificates/affidavits as necessary within one week of the document verification.
Whenever a candidate is empaneled, the panel is sent to the Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Head Quarter Office, Church Gate, Mumbai (Western Railway) 400-020. The candidate should not make any further correspondence with RRB/Ahmedabad. If required, the candidate should correspond with the office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer at the address indicated above.
As per the guidelines given by Railway Recruitment Control Board, candidates equal to vacancies of each community are called for document verification. In case any candidate from the main list do not turn up for document verification/medically unfit/does not join, the next eligible candidate are called for document verification strictly in order of merit.
The selection is made strictly as per merit on the basis of Computer Based Test (CBT) as per recruitment process notified in the Centralised Employment Notice. In addition, Skill Test viz. Aptitude Test, Typing Test, Stenography Test, Translation Test etc. may also be conducted wherever applicable and weightage/qualifying aspect of skill test is considered for drawing of merit list. Shortlisted candidates are called for verification of the original documents, genuineness and medical examination in the requisite medical standard according to merit, availability of vacancies and reservation rules.
There shall be negative marking in CBTs and marks are deducted for each wrong answer @ 1/3 of the allotted marks for each question.
The syllabus for the CBT is generally in conformity with the educational standards and/or technical qualifications prescribed for the posts. The Questions are of objective type with multiple answers and likely to include questions pertaining to General Knowledge, General English/General Hindi, General Arithmetic, Analytical and Quantitative Skills and those subjects covered as part of minimum educational/technical qualifications for the post. The duration of the test varies according to examination group.
The Railway Recruitment Board, at its discretion may hold additional test(s), if considered necessary.
The date, time and venue of the tests are fixed by the RRBs and are intimated to the eligible candidates in due course through registered email IDs of the candidates and SMS is also sent to the registered mobile numbers. The schedule of the test is published appropriately in the website of RRB, Ahmedabad i.e. https://www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in/ Request for postponement of the test or change of venue is not entertained under any circumstance.
Stages of test are published in the Centralised Employment Notice against each post. Based on the performance in the test, the candidates equal to the number of vacancies are called for document verification in the main list. During document verification, the candidates will have to produce their original certificates/marksheets/documents. No additional time is given and the candidature of the candidates not producing their original certificates on the date of verification is liable to be forfeited.
The empanelment of candidates is subject to their passing requisite Medical Test conducted by the RRB, verification of original certificates/marksheets/documents and genuineness of candidature. The unction of RRB, Ahmedabad is to empanel the suitable candidates and send the panel to the Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai.
List of the empaneled candidates is published in the website of RRB, Ahmedabad.
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol-I
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol-II
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.1
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.2
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual
Click here to access audio files related to Indian Railway Rolling Stock Code